Source code for xenamanager.xena_object

Base classes and utilities for all Xena Manager (Xena) objects.


import time
import re
import logging

from trafficgenerator.tgn_utils import TgnError
from trafficgenerator.tgn_object import TgnObject

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class XenaObject(TgnObject): def __init__(self, **data): if data['parent']: self.session = data['parent'].session self.chassis = data['parent'].chassis if 'objRef' not in data: data['objRef'] = '{}/{}/{}'.format(data['parent'].ref, data['objType'], data['index'].split('/')[-1]) super(XenaObject, self).__init__(**data)
[docs] def obj_index(self): """ :return: object index. """ return str(self._data['index'])
index = property(obj_index)
[docs] def obj_id(self): """ :return: object ID. """ return int(self.index.split('/')[-1]) if self.index else None
id = property(obj_id) def _create(self): self.api.create(self)
[docs] def send_command(self, command, *arguments): """ Send command with no output. :param command: command to send. :param arguments: list of command arguments. """ self.api.send_command(self, command, *arguments)
[docs] def send_command_return(self, command, *arguments): """ Send command and wait for single line output. """ return self.api.send_command_return(self, command, *arguments)
[docs] def send_command_return_multilines(self, command, *arguments): """ Send command and wait for multiple lines output. """ return self.api.send_command_return_multilines(self, command, *arguments)
[docs] def set_attributes(self, **attributes): """ Sets list of attributes. :param attributes: dictionary of {attribute: value} to set. """ self.api.set_attributes(self, **attributes)
[docs] def get_attribute(self, attribute): """ Returns single object attribute. :param attribute: requested attribute to query. :returns: returned value. :rtype: str """ return self.api.get_attribute(self, attribute)
[docs] def get_attributes(self): """ Returns all object's attributes. :returns: dictionary of <name, value> of all attributes. :rtype: dict of (str, str) """ return self.api.get_attributes(self)
[docs] def wait_for_states(self, attribute, timeout=40, *states): for _ in range(timeout): if self.get_attribute(attribute).lower() in [s.lower() for s in states]: return time.sleep(1) raise TgnError('{} failed to reach state {}, state is {} after {} seconds'. format(attribute, states, self.get_attribute(attribute), timeout))
[docs] def read_stat(self, captions, stat_name): return dict(zip(captions, self.api.get_stats(self, stat_name)))
# # Private methods. # def _build_index_command(self, command, *arguments): return ('{} {}' + len(arguments) * ' {}').format(self.index, command, *arguments) def _extract_return(self, command, index_command_value): return re.sub('{}\s*{}\s*'.format(self.index, command.upper()), '', index_command_value) def _get_index_len(self): return len(self.index.split()) def _get_command_len(self): return len(self.index.split())
[docs]class XenaObject21(XenaObject): # # Private methods. # def _build_index_command(self, command, *arguments): module, port, sid = self.index.split('/') return ('{}/{} {} [{}]' + len(arguments) * ' {}').format(module, port, command, sid, *arguments) def _extract_return(self, command, index_command_value): module, port, sid = self.index.split('/') return re.sub('{}/{}\s*{}\s*\[{}\]\s*'.format(module, port, command.upper(), sid), '', index_command_value) def _get_index_len(self): return 2 def _get_command_len(self): return 1